Bruises! How annoying r they? They look absoloutly awful n really hurt . I walked into a sharp drawer yesterday n it cracked off my shin n now i hav a huge blue mark!! Wheres the worst place n e 1 has ever had one?
when i got caught in a fight...i had a bruise down the left side of my bum & leg was dead for over 24 hrs & then it bruised like a motherfucker! also at the same time my ankle was bruiised & had chunks missing from it! Ken had a bite size bruise on his bum once...i kindly gave it to him so when ever he sat down he would think of me!
got a bruise on the side of my neck of a lovely young lady when i was 15 if that counts, can remember trying to hide it from me mam, memories
had a massive 8-inch diameter one on the left hand side of my torso,the injury gave me internal bleeding too.
haha terrible i know i was only in year 10, so that would have made me possibly 14 i think i have matured since then tho, i think
in all seriousness tho, it has to be the one when i broke 2 toes when i kicked the goal post during a match when i used to play the swelling was terrible and i couldn't walk for ages
The phantom Promise Arse Biter is unveiled, at last. Came you bite my arse please, just i want to put a claim in.
I got kicked in the shin when playing 5 a side and it went to a massive lump first then went to a bruise looked well werid
I always get loads of random bruises at work, on my legs normally, fook knows what off! I have had some horrible love bites aswell, I hate them!!:evil: