hola ma babys!!!! hiya hunnies just thought i´d say hello from sunny ibiza!!! am not that much ov a sad gimp that i´d come here n spend ma time on a computer believe it or not but halyz is gettin her hair cut in a posh salon in ibiza town so am biding my time in an internet caf!! hope ya´s are all okay, not too impressed with the lack of trance but hey its ibiza n its wunderful regardless of the music!!!!! cud live and die at cafe mambo i still truely believe that its the best place in the world i luv it more than disneyworld!!! anyways im rambling although theres nothing new there lol just thought i´d say hiya to those of u on here that i know and luv, and also hav the bestest time eva on fri for my one and only!!!! be nice with him and i will be logging back on for a full report of the nite at sumtime next week!!! hes as wunderful as eva in ibiza so ur guarenteed a good nite, any of u that slag him off i will be dealing with upon my return!!!! luv ya´s all loads and hope ur all okay and looking after urselfs!! enjoy jules and global etc etc etc!!! mwa´z and hugs!!!xxxxxx
will i shite!!! worst nitemare sumthink like that sugar!!! but will txt ya´s n meet up with ya´s when ur ova there hunni!!!! xxxx
glad ur havin a good time hun! mambo's the best place in the world like defo, i agree. watch how u go. see ya soon!
hey rach!! glad to hear ur havin fun! tell hayley i cant reply to her messages with her fone bein foreign!! and last time i rang it was ££££!