South of the tyne It's like a poverty line across The North East ... I was shocked by one metro trip across the Tyne. What's the fuck is going on in Pelaw??
Re: Re: South of the tyne Some character staggered on with a FILA vest on the metro with a half drunken bottle of Old English getting wide and shouting the odds with the old men. He was arrested at seaburn
They're both around Wet & Wild. When I was about 11/12 a lod of us went up to Wet & Wild, and left really early. Got off the Meadowell metro at about 9 o' clock and the streets were still packed with the riffy charvers. Do they never sleep?
wet and wild is on the royal quays wich is at the bottom off the medowell and percy main both metro stations are 5 min walks away
supprised you diddnt mate, i know what it was like round there i grew up there and was wittness to the medowell riots
yes huge riots yoiu never heard about them they were on national news and every thing shops getting looted cops getting kicked all over houses getting burnt down the lot. because the cops ran colin and dale off the road and killed them in a high speed chase along the coast road ps. these were local ram raiders and heros to many on the ridges aka medowell
Tbh Craig, theres as many shit areas north of the Tyne as there is south. Have u never seen Scotswood, Benwell, Elswick, Byker, Walker? And of course Meadowell which people have already mentioned. The only difference is they are not on the metro line (Meadowell excepted), while Felling and Pelaw are.
i go debt collectin down the meadowell!! its not that bad now, there are worse places. (not much worse like)
nah there is alot off places now days worse then the medowell, it was bad back in the day i know i grew up there, now days its a bunch off wannabe's liveing off the rep off the old time gangs that used to rome the medowell. Battle hill, byker, scottswood , elswick,felling, walker, pelaw,bensham,jarrow list could go on and on and its not just the north east. To be fair every were has its bad places
Springwell Village for instance, surrounded by Wrekenton, Springwell Estate and Donwell. Though Donwell's not so bad.... Well it wasn't back when i was a wannabe charv. We were angels compared to the shits about today.