Mean employers Has any one worked for anyone particularly stingy and how did you deal with it? I got offered a job recently with a company that was particularly miser like they offer £4.20 an hour even tho its late nights (could be described as night shift to be fair) and dont help out their staff with taxis/transport home! not only do they not give unsociable hours pay but to be fair the wage is the lowest ive been offeres since i was 16 and working 6-10 am for topshop, and even they gave extra £ at xmas for the crap hours! So, id be working five days a week, late at night for £25! it was an effort not to tell them to shove it up their...erm...Jumper. but id love to know if anyone has had the courage to do that before!
I was offered a job for £1.75 per hour when I was 18, working for a Signs Express franchise, and that was in the south east at that! When I turned it down the boss asked me to come and do a mornings work and then we would discuss wages again if I was any good. The alarm bells should have been ringing in this situation when I found the boss was out for the morning when I got there. But keen to get a job I just did some work. It was only when it got to an hour after the boss was due to be back, and I was out in the basking sun washing his van when I realised I had been stitched up like a fool and he wasn't coming back at all!
Thats bang out. They should provide transport home, especially for lasses... even northumbria union did that and most ppl lived 5 minutes away. £4.20 You can get far better than that babes. Keep ya head up... someone'll have ya with good wages soon I once had a row with the assisstant manager at safeway when I called in sick... I was so sick of her being a miserable stingy cow that I handed my notice in the manager on the next shift. He asked me to saty then got the assisstant manager to give me a grovelling apology... never got any shit after that
to be honest, i thought this job would be a decent one, it was bar work but i like the place and there were guest list places for the staff - wich would def have been used! but thats not good enough really, how they manage to keep staff is beyond me, even if they do have good nights and get good dj's in. of course, the company should remain nameless. Id never embaress them so close to home.
i think you should guess! if anything is said then obviously those involved are ashamed and so they should be. not even paying staff min wage! and expecting them to work any thing up to 4 am!
Nevermind, i only wanted it so i could go for interviews during the day and still earn a bit just expected it to be a bit more! i prob would have still done it if they paid taxis i would be paying £90 on taxis home before i even got my first wage! (thats based on 4 nights this week and two next) which is a prob as i only have £40 and im visiting smog next thurs!
Re: Mean employers Ive done bar work years ago and the wages were terrible , didnt get paid for nights off either !! Factory's can be canny stingy too , been in factorys for ten years since leaving college , 3 all told , in the 1st couple of months that u work in a factory its like a probation period n you get less rate of pay , less holidays and no paid compasionate leave !! At one of factorys the wage wasnt to bad ( as factory wages go ) but it was for continental shifts , 2 days , 2 nights , 4 days off , 12 hour shifts too !!! BUT the jobs are so repetative and if u dont get cross trained on other machines its soul destroying !! Finally managed to get out of all that tho , as i was on continental shifts i worked for another company ( contractual work ) as I.T. Technician on my days off for a couple of years and they have finally taken me on full time , with a reasonable wage , 9 - 5 and no weekends !!! Winner !! ...fidds...
Ive pretty much landed on my feet as far as jobs are concerned... used to work in a shop when i was younger where i only got like £3.50 but it was only round the corner from my house so no transport costs.... working at the bar i get paid ok and get a free taxi home plus have met a load of my mates there. and working here for the summer i get paid well (for a summer job) and, as u can probably tell...i dont really do a great deal! lol. i once worked in a warehouse...which was horrendous....but i had a tantrum so my dad didnt make me work there anymore
I used to work for Stolen From Ivor when i was 16, i was on £1.28 an hr and got no official lunch break. I've also done some horrible temp jobs for crappy money. My bar work wsa ace i worked for the SU so all my mates went in and i always got a lift home, still rubbish wages though
£4.20 an hour to work late in a bar/club is an absolute piss take. Are you over 22 xPx? Cos if so then that's illegal and should be reported to the DTI, as the minimum wage for 22 years and over is £4.50. If you are 18-21, then the minimum wage is £3.80. I wouldn't be nasty I would just say that I wasn't prepared to work those hours for that wage. I used to work for JD when I was 16, £3.01 an hour, and that was well stim! Scored a cracking job for this summer though, £7 an hour
I think I've landed on my feet as far as jobs are concerned tbh. I've never been on any less than £5 an hour since I left school. I always thought that was average though :spangled:
Nah mate that's a good wage. At Foot Locker i got £4.50, which is pretty reasonable. I know when I'm back at Uni what ever job I have will be around the same pay