How do i register a web address? A friend and I want to set up a website with our latest climbing antics etc. and I was wondering what/how is the best/cheapest way to have your own .com? Thanks, Ken
i got mine thru Name registered with then freeola host it for free. £14 for 2 years for a
no adverts... unlimted webspace, check it : as long as u register thru getdotted i think...
Not strictly true...I've found the e-mail support to be spot on altho phoning them is a bad idea, retards always answer!!! Oneandone is meant to be one of the best around but you should be able to find cheaper depending on what you want. Ken, PM me and I'll see if I can help ya.
Pleb.......u know shit! I've been dealing with them over the last few months for someone else (Coxy) and have contacted them a number of times for myself.