My new Duvet set has just arrived Kingsize Quilt, Quilt Cover, 4 pillow cases, 4 new pillows, sheet. I am taking the absolute works here like. Any ladies who would like to try my new purchase's out. PM a photo and i'll consider it.
They'll be covered in spunk stains from the amount u wank in a weeks time, shit thread Ian. U need to get out the house!
Not really like arse breath shit fukker **** hole. I'm replying to many threads and i wanted to contribute to the, ' oh how does my hair look - well we went on a rambling course for three weeks - does my bum look big in this. YES IT FUCKING DOES, threads. Fairy Snuff.
Re: My new Duvet set has just arrived surely this is an FAO for any girls who want to try out ian's duvet etc...shouldnt he get banned for this?
Re: Re: My new Duvet set has just arrived No, because i was just informing people that my new duvet combo had arrived . Silly billy Snatch.
Re: Re: Re: My new Duvet set has just arrived Get up now dude or else Commando51 will have you up the shitter.
Re: Re: Re: Re: My new Duvet set has just arrived Because the Promise Crew think i'm a cock, and i thought you would bow to the pressure of the masses. Big up. Keep it real. Over.
Re: Re: My new Duvet set has just arrived Nah mate, thats what tee-towls were invented for. My roomie is taking the piss like. Squeek Sqeek until all hours, the bastard. I hate mice aswell.