shoes? what shoes are people wearing for 'going out' these days? i've worn trainers for years now and i have my work shoes but are there any decent ones for if you were going somewhere that actually only let shoes in on certain nights? i can't be arsed to go to town and look..
TBH honest, I try avoid clubs that demand you to wear a certain type of clothing. I want to feel comfortable, not as though I'm off to a wedding
I usually wear trainers, i've got about 8 different pairs. I wore 3" Heels to Amprsound on Fri (funky house club in Manc) after about 2hrs i was almost in tears, you cannot dance and wear heels. it hurts far to much They look good though......
Ditto, most places that force you to wear shoes are gash anyway I reckon and likely to be full of people Ive got no time for.
I tend to wear slouch boots, or tiny kitten heel flip flop type shoes. I only wear trainers with cyber these days. :cyber: Btw, anyone know any decents websites for trainers? Im after a new pair and doesnt seem to be much about
Nass, see this thread and u will have the guidence u need!
i always wear trainers when i go out really i cant be arsed with agony feet from wearing heels or crushed toes from idiots standing on ur toes with open to shoes just cant beat a pair of trainers imo i tend to go out clubbin with my accupunctures on. I do have a bit of an adiction for buying trainers tho.
i used to wear loafers or shoes a while back when i drank in and around the big market etc, but aint wore a pair in ages!!!, wear trainers constantley, for casual and for promise etc!!! not sure why, just like em!!! still keep a few pairs of dress shoes for special occassions though!!!
when i wwas in the nike store in london they had some badass ari max trainers with graffiti on, wish i'd bought them
I don't even own a pair of trainers anymore - I love my shoes too much When you've worn leather shoes long enough, they become comfortable beyond the comprehension of mortal man. I also like my suede loafers and leather boots. Not that I have ever been one to give the slightest what anyone else thinks of what I wear; I wear what I like, and a lot of other people disagree and think it's shit /shrug
Yup, hes right!! Loves his leather boots too like I only wear shoes for work, can't understand why people wear shoes to the likes of Promise, Tall Trees etc....personally i find that shoes kill my feet when clubbing, no cushioning what so ever....trainers all the way for me Occasionally wear loafers too...although they are those soft ones...not leather soles. Wallabies are also very comfy