Sorry! It was lush when he came and told me he loves you yesterday, just hope he doesn't say it to the ex g/f!
lil'uns are the bestest!!! got ma very own class of 5 year olds till christmas and mebbes 4 longer n its sooo the best thing in the world!!! making me realise i cud probs wait another 5 years to hav babies like!!! i luv em loads but am quite happy teachin em 4 a good few years b4 i end up havin em maself!! wanna make sure i've grown outta the whole clubbin thing too cos dont wanna still be goin out n flinging maself around a dancefloor when i have children!! not sayin its a bad thing but not the kinda thing i wanna be doin on a regular basis whilst havin lil'uns at home at the same
Why not??? Was gonna come out with the "thats what Smack does to ya" joke, but think you mite be sick of that by now :laugh: