"blah blah blah blah blah...." can sum1 give me a nudge when fizz says something interesting please????
no, its deffinatley something to do with the fact that everytime you open your mouth, total and utter bullshit comes out of it, i dont think thats got anything to do with the colour of your hair to be honest fuck off now fizz, theres a good boy, your agument is tired and boring
oh of course the supreme kerry speaks again .... install a light switch it might brighten you up a bit.
fizz shut ur nasty little mouth its well known amongst everyone that ur a shitstirrer, regardless ov whats happened ur renouned to be one so dont even start that line of defense... if ur friend had got in touch with me within a week i wudnt hav felt the need to text ur stupid fone wud i... and if u'd av bin in england the other nite when u were posting that shit implyin michael bin fucking, i wud av dun a lot more than send u an abusive msg i can guarentee that.... :evil: xxx
awww this is all really sad people arguing and i feel sorry for you (rachel) the most people should think about how other people feel before they start sayin nasty stuff, rachel has been caught up in the middle of anything plus its her birthday at the weekend and no one (not even the nastiest person in the world) should feel unhappy on their birthday esp. not one of the beaulitfulist girls on here who deserves better than all this poop!!
hehe!!! yeah too rite!! dont even know who to direct all ma anger at at the moment so i've decided am just gonna direct it 2wards fizz fank u sasha!! u cumin 2 ma invites only exclusive girlie b'day on friday...?!! :groovy: xxxx
course i am lover im sending stu to his brothers house so i can be with all the girls cheer up chicky!!!
Sorry but I hope no1 is implying im a shitstirrer cuz ive sed nothing in all of this! I hope stuff gets sorted n rachel we will make it class 2moro night !
well last day peeps, just wanna get home, soooo fcuking tired its ridiculous, need me bed so badly!!! anyways, amnesia was amazing lastnite, couldnt have wished for a better send off!!! was very impressed by gareth wyn, first time ive seen him and he played a blinder!!!, definetley wanna see him back in the uk at some stage!!! tiesto was good, very proggy but well nice brought the place up the 3 hours he played redy for van dyk. van dyk was quality........AGAIN!!! played the jam & spoon remix of new order-blue monday, NU NRG mix of for an angel along with a load of breaks!!!, absolutley amazing, but im fcuked now!!! :spangled: see ya all when i get back, drinking binge the morn!!!
Wow! How much would I have loved to have been there last night! My friend was there, jammy cow, and flys back today so I'll be expecting a full report off her shortly