England 1- Sweden 1

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by loopyloosy, Jun 2, 2002.

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  1. loopyloosy

    loopyloosy Registered User

    Feb 19, 2002
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    England 1- Sweden 1

    played alright in the first half, just fannyed about in the second. good goal, but they will have to pull thier socks up if they want to beat argentina on friday. heres a pic ov sven to cheer yous up.

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  3. Guest

    Poor performance and poor choice to take off Vassel & not Owen. Mills looked out of his depth. Heskey didn't do enough to get picked on the left again........beat the Argies?? HA

    Beckham was very off the pace as well. The only plus point was Ashley Cole who look quality. Hopefully they will be more pumped up for the Argies and Heskey is dropped

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  4. Doggie

    Doggie Registered User

    Nov 12, 2001
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    Football is shite!!:D:D Why watch something that a guaranteed dissapointment!!:rolleyes:

    ...like england playin football...:rolleyes:
  5. Guest

    If you dont like football your gay.
  6. Doggie

    Doggie Registered User

    Nov 12, 2001
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    LMAO, well then im a a class cock munchin homo!!!:rolleyes: :p
  7. Guest

    Keep it up.

    Look where it got Smart E.
  8. Geordie

    Geordie "Im Outta Time"

    Nov 12, 2001
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    "Aye you look arsed like"
    England beat Argentina Fri ?????? LMFAO

    Heskey isnt a left winger for starters n he's soft as shite for such a big bloke - for the Seden goal they just backed off n backed off Mills should of just put the fucker in the stand regardless of what was goin on - Vassel n Owen up front :confused: hmmm there too similar n think the only show Owen had was when he hit the side netting - Beckham was off the pace like deffo but as Sven licks his hoop he was gonna get the start he wanted which he sorta justified settin up the goal other than that did nowt really - can tell they miss Gerrard in midfield coz Hargreaves is hardly a ball winner n Paul Scholes is just a stote !!!

    Changes will have to be made for Fri like dunno what he gonna do tho coz Dyers not gonna be ready or owt yet n Beckham is still gonna be Unfit :( - personally regardless of what people say here there n everywhere i think that Shearer should of been @ the World Cup im sure some £££ for him to come outa retirement off the FA may have tempted the baldy get :p
  9. Guest

    Isnty it about time Sven bought someone better? Theres money to spend for gods sake.
  10. loopyloosy

    loopyloosy Registered User

    Feb 19, 2002
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    i reckon they need midfielders who can actuall pass the ball between them to keep possession, as if they r in control of the game england are more likely to score with that than "chances" as a lot of these chances were missed in the end of the first half. was daft how at the end of the second half passing was sloppy, nd everyone was just bootin the ball about coz they were tired/no concentration. i think they played wank.
  11. kalashnikov

    kalashnikov Registered User

    Mar 27, 2002
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    The commentators got it wrong at half time, suggesting they keep posession with short passes.

    First half we had them up shit creek with our long ball tactics. Second half we tried to keep possesion and it went down the toilet.

    England has always been a side to run hard. Long ball was working, the commentators should have stopped whining, I was more than happy with the first half, we were taking them to the cleaners. We let them get back into it after half time. Could've murdered them.

    I bet Erikkson was secretly happy.
  12. GeordieLee

    GeordieLee Registered User

    May 27, 2002
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    I'm suffering from severe lack of sleep just so I cud get up and watch that! :mad:

    Gazza is still so amusing tho. Obviously the poor bloke hasn't done much TV b4! :D
  13. Vin

    Vin Registered User

    Dec 29, 2001
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    1st/2nd Floor
    I cant believe i got up after just 3 hours sleep to watch that shite. First have we were poor, lucky for us Sweden were still asleep. Second half started ok, we got Scholes on the ball a bit and looked quite good, but that only lasted 7 or 8 minutes. Then we just played awful for the remainder of the game and were lucky to get a draw. Worst England performance since Taylor was in charge. What the fuck is Sven doing dragging us back into the bad days of the long ball game.

    England do have good players who are comfortable on the ball, eg Ashley Cole, Bridge, Ferdinand, Butt, Beckham, Scholes, Dyer, Joe Cole and Sheingham. We have proved in the past that with the right players and the right system we can outplay some supposedly fantastic team. Does anyone remember the day "the best team in Europe" came to Wembley and were beaten 4-1? That was Holland (the pre-tournament favourites) in Euro 96. We didnt just beat them, we totally outpassed them and outplayed them in every other department. The other game that stands out for me was Argentina in France 98. We totally outpassed and outplayed them before Beckham got sent off. Even with 10 men we were still marginally better than them.

    Playing the long ball game is like admitting defeat. It is so easy for good sides to defend against. There is now way we can beat Argentina, or Nigeria for that matter, if we carry on with this system. Whats the point of having great footballers like Scholes in your midfield if yer just gonna lump it over him and he never gets the ball? If we are gonna insist on the long ball tactics then why do we have Owen and Vassell up front? They are both about 5'6" tall.

    I will be amazed if we make the second phase playing this way. Svens gotta change it. Id bring in Butt, Bridge and Sheringham for Hargreaves, Heskey and Vassell and try to play a game based on good passing and movement rather than this lumping it over the top crap. But its not gonna happen. :mad:
  14. nostradumbass


    May 24, 2002
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    Hern gong
    cuz all the fucking bars were full round here, i had to sit in the entrance to a karaoke joint and pretend i wanted to get one of thier rooms, just so i could watch the game. imagine how pisse doff i was as the second half went so far down the pan

    come on you dicks. get some big match temperament. even the normally good players looked out of thier depth
  15. spud693

    spud693 Registered User

    Feb 4, 2002
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    Out in the sticks cool as fukk gang! :)
    I tried to watch it when i got back from cream - but i dont think i seen it - I sort of came around to the news showing the score. sounds like we threw the game away tho from what ive heard, should have just kept up the first half pressure.
  16. Doggie

    Doggie Registered User

    Nov 12, 2001
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    Im gay!!:D:D
  17. Godscrasher

    Godscrasher Registered User

    Mar 19, 2002
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    I stayed up after cream to watch the match,with a lil bit of an after party,and i must say,for the 70 min i watched b4 falling asleep,it was absolute utter rubbish,how can it be justified?iam just glad me mates came back or otherwise i would of still been munchin me jaw watchin that match.

    Heskey what a heap of shite.Sven taking vassell off was a big mistake,Mils didnt know where the fuck he was and what sport he was playing.beckham looked sloppy.ferdinand is world class,Seaman played a belter for his age,Great goal by campbell he deserved it.All i think now is for sven to do a truffle shuffle in the squad and get the best of players out of there.

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