i wouldnt say women are shit...they can be fuckers at times...but at others they are great...i did get shat on recently though buy a girl who was my best mate as well as someone i was seeing....i do still like the girl and i stiil have feelins but the respect i had for her i sometimes think has has gone down the drain...and when u dont deserve what happened its worse, (when havent fucked them around and tret them well i mean.) the one thing that pisses me off about women is that when they have done something wrong or something terrible in my case, they will come out with bull shit to make them feel alright or try and turn shit round on u. but hey...not all girls are bastards...just some....girls will say the same about guys...fair do's...a neverending argument. one thing i will say though is i dont think i could trust a girl in a long long time
Hey, at the end of the day everyones been/will be hurt sometime in their life...When you meet the right person you wont have to worry about trust cos it will all come naturally! Enjoy being single and kick some ass! WOMAN STILL RULE THOUGH
in regards of women im a bit one sided hear but thats because my ex fiancee compleatly fucked me over she was fucking fantastic thow before and when we were together it was just the way she finished me was compleatly wrong the same day she finished me she came out for a meal with me and my mam then told me she loved me then she went to work then phoned me to say she was comeing round then i went and met her she even held my hand when she got off the bus and soon as she got back to mine she drooped the bomb shell that she wanted to end it her reasons she diddnt love her self so incapeble of loveing anyone else she fell out off love with me wich is fair enough she is not capeble of loveing anyone (why the fuck take my propasal off marrige then) and i was too nice to her (what she want me to do fucking beat her) then within a month she is in love with some one else yer right more like she was seeing him when she was with me as her reason was not capeable off loveing anyone
Re: Re: Re: Re: Women!!! cool your jets Jamie m8 thought you would be used to it by now. It's a hard life when your g/f is stunning and everyone wants to do her it's something I'm getting to grips with now I have viewed quite a few fruity texts myself from various board members to the other member of the duo it's a hard life
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Women!!! Have to agree with you there like. It is a hard thing to do, but you've just got to get on with it, and not let it get to you. It's bad crack seeing texts and shit off other people though!