Breaks from Clubbing

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Vin, Jun 2, 2002.

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  1. Guest

    Im never conciense of my sorounding or state after nights out till the next mornin anyway no mate i dont but bye monday tues im sooooooooo bad tempered and emotional.
  2. Frankie

    Frankie Registered User

    Jan 7, 2002
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    had that problem a few times too
  3. Guest

    what i call suicide monday
  4. Frankie

    Frankie Registered User

    Jan 7, 2002
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    or manic monday as the bangles sung
  5. Guest

    when the bad times outway the good its time.
  6. Guest

    that i will defo agre with!
    everyone needs a break now and again i just need to decide wen that is!:D
  7. Vin

    Vin Registered User

    Dec 29, 2001
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    1st/2nd Floor
    Yeah i know what you mean Leon but i was really up and down in terms of the whole night. I had QUITE a good night but not a GREAT night. Thing is i go out to have GREAT nights not GOOD NIGHTS if ya get wot i mean. I got in at 11ish had a good first hour then wandered a bit, bumped into a few people, lost me mates, but never mind, was feeling good, then started feeling shit, bumped into Sam, he led me to u lot, danced with u lot 4 a while, felt better, thin felt shit 4 a while, wandered around again, sat down, felt shit, got up and danced for a bit, then felt shit again, etc, etc, etc. I left 45 mins early which i can honestly say ive never done before on any night. A couple of little things pissed me off, sent me into paranoia and it ended up an average night for a fair bit of money.

    Leon if you thought i was lovin it, i reckon it was more off seeing Lawrie on his first doodaa than anything else. Dunno why but i always get a total buzz off that, whoever it is, just seeing how much they are lovin it. (i tell ya what, its all round Safeways already thanks to Mr Roe - ha ha!). Honestly mate i was never happy for more that 20 minutes at a time that night.

    Just on another couple of things i totally agree with u about the charvs in there. Im sure ive posted this elsewhere but the first thing i said to a couple of me pals when i got there was "ive never seen as many stripey jumpers in my life". Even more than Chancers (sorry people - Ponteland joke). Also if anyone wonders why he called me Vinny then its a long story and i cant be arsed to go into it but a lot of people who really know me call me that.

    Anyway i still havent decided yet but i cant see myself goin clubbin at all during June. If it was one bad night fair enough but i would say its 3 of the last 4 and i agree with Steve Imac when he says "when the bad times outway the good its time". Whatever you think i looked like on the outside i feel shit about it on the inside. Im still thinkin about it though.

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