Arrrrggghhhh!! im sick of smoking i hate it! hate it hate it hate it! and im fucking sick of that little nicotine monkey that sits on my back and hits my head with heavy or pointy items when i dont smoke! so i took my pack with 5 tabs still in it, took them out, snapped them and soaked them in the sink. they are now wet and in the bin. i need do i cope with the cravings over the next few days? and please no patches or gum type advice unless ur willing to buy them for me cos i dont have a penny to my name.
just smoke joints instead, and pretend to yourself that you dont really smoke, coz its a joint, and not a tab thats what i do
eat lollys or chewing gum. this is supposed to work 4 sum ppl. also hav sumthin 2 fidget wiv in ya hands. wen i quit 4 about 2 days. i jus kept tellin myself that id jus had a tab, so didnt need 1 so much. that kinda workd :spangled:
think im gonna steal sum gum from my dad. but what to do with my hands...i was thinking a clicky biro...but 1) the clicking wud annoy EVERYONE and 2) whenever i go within 5 metres of a biro, i end up with lines all over my arms and duz that happen?
i already know that tabs make me sick, im throwing up after every tab (hence not being mental about smoking nemore) but i still get the cravings even tho i chuck up after each one