smile tonight anyone raving it up tonight? aint been for a couple of weeks as i was trying to calm it down a bit but we're hitting it again tonight!
northumbria campus is FULL of freshers waiting to part with their summer job savings..... Get the Smile crew flyering in the Quad!
i've done 80% of them, but i've gotta go to sunderland now to show some proof of id and address for the job so will finish them off when i get back!
Nice one... See ya a later...might come to smile just the thought of going to work in the morning after...
me n sasha mite hav a luk down later on, ive never bin 2 smile b4!! mite aswell go, no uni n no job!!
useless bastard... come kidnap me later on @ the gate.... buller n that are positive there taking me to bambu...
sash ment 2 b meetin up with lasses form her college course b4 smile neways, so mite cum meet ya, if ya lucky u know u luv bambu tho-best on thurs nites!
cant beat bambu in full flow on mondays mite nip in for sum tequilas and a laff.. deffo off to smile tho..
(I hate pop ups ) Anyway....I'll be there, along with Jill and another friend no-one has met yet, known as Paul...because that's his name I believe tonight, I shall drink a lot.