Toothache one of my wisdom tooth's is coming through and its pushing my gum towards the back of my mouth anyone got any idea's? dont think it's the tooth thats hurting thinkk it's my gum
Re: Re: Toothache I didnt wanna say cos I wud av gotten wrong Seriously tho, goto a dentist! There will be 1 open sumwhere, there always is...................
Re: Re: Re: Toothache can u go to the hospital? just curious cause i was cryin with the pain at about 2am
Re: Re: Re: Re: Toothache Theres a dental hospital in the RVI Sash, not sure if its open all day tho.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Toothache Not the hospital as such...i.e. not casualty. Look in yellow pages (or on for 24hr dentist tho
get sum clove oil. it tastes vile. but its really gud ther is a tooth hospital thingy in newcastl sumwhere
I'm having the same kinda problem, my wisdom teeth are coming through, and the one on the left is hurting like hell...makes it hard to chew food! But I'm putting up with it, ever since I took that damn gap year (which meant I wasn't in full time education) the NHS is enjoying charging me £12 just go and see my dentist! So I'm waiting til Uni starts, I assume they give you free, or cheaper, healthcare? Oh yeah, Sasha...get some clove oil - that works well
I challenged myself to eat at as many different fast-food places possible (there are so many over there!) Managed... McDonalds Burger King Wendys Jack-in-the-Box :sick: Del Taco Taco Bell (yum!) Fazoli's (Italian! Unlimited free SOFT breadstick refills!!) There were others, but they all have stupid names I can't remember!
Mine did that a few months back. Killed me for weeks. Couldnt sleep or anything. :cry2: What can the dentist do tho?? Cut the bit of gum off?? :spangled:
Re: Toothache You can go toy your doctors, they will give you pain killers for it, that's what I got.