YAY!!! I have a nephew! born at bout half 8 this morning in the RVI, am going to go a visiting alter 2day with my digital camera (if my dad can find it at home!!!)
my brother likes Faustino & his missus likes Jake...so bugger only knows....he might have lots of different names but grandad reckons it'l b Jake!! i don't know his weight yet cos my bro rang home b4 he had been weighed!
i finish at 4 to pick up my hol pics..i was excited enough bout that let alone this! i wonder if they've agreed on a boys name yet?? :think:
Congratulations I have a newphew too 7 weeks old havent seen him yet tho cos my sister lives down south They are bringing him up in 2 weeks tho
He's called Jake Alan Kennedy! he was only 6lb 8oz when he was born at 8.39 am yesterday morning, he's gorgeous & has long fingers & toes like E.T.
i'll try to put some pics up i took on my digital camera last night but that depends on if i can figure out if how to do it! do you remember how E.T. had realy long fingers & toes well so does Jake!
they'll be this sweet <---------- soon...my niece is sooo gorgeous...she was up at the weekend and has gone back to leeds chanting 'red rum' and saying 'becca sexy baby' so mint at 20 months
i can't wait til he's a bit older but will b quite happy whilst he's teeny!! i can buy boys toys now though...hahahaha much better than barbie!