Seagulls... There's a big flock of the fuckers flying around in my street, just outside my house. What on Earth do they want? I like about 30 miles from the nearest sea! Bastards. I bet they attack me when I go outside :evil:
Re: Seagulls... well there are a couple of possible reasons for your "seagull attack experience" it could be that its stormy out to sea, so they came in, could be that you smell of fish, could be you mistook them, could be that unbeknownst to you, the seagulls are controlled by an evil chinese sorcerer called wing-ho, who needs all the seagulls in his dastardly plan to tak over the world.
Re: Seagulls... where do you live allie? by that reckoning you live in haltwhistle, unfortunately for most people, you dont
Re: Re: Seagulls... Arite, fair enough Cap'n. Geography, possibly not 30 miles, but a canny way all the same!
They are little Bastards.. I lived in Monkseaton as a nipper and without fail every year they'd nest in as many rooftops as possible through the summer! as well as the noise and shit everywhere we had evil ones that used to dive bomb you as you walked down your street! Little fuckers :evil: :samurai:
they killed a old bloke in sunderland once get someone with a air rifle and pick one off. The rest should then stay away.
there bastards i hate seagulls i live in north sheilds and its just coverd with them i hate seagulls :evil: :samurai: :samurai:
I live in whitley bay and they always nest on our roof. One year a baby seagul actually fell into my house thro the chimmney because I have old fashioned fire places. My dad was trying to get it out and it was trying to attack him:spangled:
I HATE seagulls.. but I hate pigeons more.. one flew into my leg once when it was windy and it hurt like hell, plus an old woman laughed at me for screaming.
i was driving back from dropping tom off during the summer.. ask clarki.. this pigeon just would not get off the road. must have found some top greggs scran.. until it realised it really was going to get ran over and it attempted to fly off, meeting arse to windscreen with my car quealing 'may day' it made an emergency landing. back on topic - seagulls are shit birds which just shit everywhere and come crying to cramlington when its too stormy in whitley bay. and they shit on our house.
that reminds me of an episode of king of the hill when they had an invasion of pigeons. they called in an exterminator who said that if she gave the alpha pigeon some acid and it started to trip out then the other pigeons would freak out and leave the area. when the mumbling man saw the pigeon trippin he took pitty and took him home. the next scene was where the pigeon was sittin on a pile of cushions and he was tryin to talk it down!!! "c'mon now lil pigeon man, i been there maself, you're gonna be ok, just imagine you're sittin in your nest with the little wifey pigeon and everything is groovy man..." :rofl: