Obsession with Bacteria / Germs What is it with people these days. I was just on another forum and someone was talking about how a dishwasher (i dont have one - she left a few months back - yes that was a joke) kills more germs than hand washing..... Turn on the TV and you have stupid adverts for floor cleaners with spray attachments on them to clean up mud from the floor (Anti bacterial of course) Then theres adverts for anti bacterial washing up liquid. Anti bacterial bloody kitchen surface cleaners. What kind of chemicals are we exposing ourselves to by using all these products. How many of us have actually caught 'the lurgey' from the floor, or a hand washed dish, or a table top we didnt spray with a tenners worth of anti bacterial crap. Call me a bitter old man, but in my day we ate our dinner off the floor and rolled around in mud all day (Didnt we all in the North East ) and here we are to talk about it. Why is everyone so obsessed with germs and crap these days?!?!?! Pansy nation.
This does my head in, the obsession with cleaning... its that ad from a while back, i think it's 'Detol anibac' spray or something... the bloke is on the phone and his wife is running around the house spraying things - he puts the phone down and she picks it up and sprays that!!!! it's fucking insane. how are we meant to build up our immune systems when everything has been sterilised! no wonder more and more kids are having problems with asthma and 'nut alergies'.... we didn't have all that in the 20th century!
thats why the kids of this generation are more prone to getting ill, because the environments they were brought up were so clean, their immune systems never really had to face any challenges.....thus when they are faced with any common diesease it hits them harder....
there was a programme on last week where this bloke had his work desk tested for germs in comparrison to a glastonbury toilet...the toilet was cleaner! :sick: