Police Officers Just came back from college giving 3 lads a lift back also and was going round the roundabout and a police man shot out infront of me way to late causing me to brake sharply and then an mr2 in the lane next to him flew out also almost crashing into the left wing of my car to top it all off the police man was on his frigging MOBILE:evil: so we chased after him got him to pull over whilst taken his reg when he finaly stopped he said we where lieing even though there was 4 witeness's(sp) saying he was on the phone and he just turned around and said we where lieing and he wasnt from the area and even if he was on his phone he could anyways because he is the police and they can do what ever they want so if i was lieing who in the write mind would get a police officer to pull over to say hey u where on your phone and nearly caused a crash:evil: :spangled: :evil:
Report it. The Police will have to follow it up, though I don't know if anything will be done about it.
they do take the piss like. wouldnt you if you were them though? thats shocking after nearly crashing into you though, im sure if it was the other way round there would have been fines, penaltys etc to deal with. sometimes the injustice of it all really drives me
As long as you got his number, you can report him. They'll have to launch an enquiry, even if he gets away with it, it'll probably make him think twice about doing it again. Bad crack though. Things like that give the Police a bad name with the majority of good work they do being ignored...
exactly lucy one rule for them and one for us belive me i know my mate got the reg of the van and is going to ring em to find out more im way to short tempered for that will just blow me lid if i get the impression they are trying to defend him or fob me off (which they will do) no one hurts my baby (my car just came out from a full respray)
lol i spent an hour yesterday polishing cleaning hoovering spraying back-to-blacking oil checking tyre checking rust surveying mirror and window wiping bulb checking etc. do you think its sad though that we have a place in our heart for our lil cars lol!!
an hour!!!! jesus your quick thinking about it, my car is my life its what i work on at college (have a full garage of tools to play with it ) and i really need to clean the inside of mine hasnt been done in a week looks totally different now lucy to when u seen it then again if that mr2 had of hit me would have look just like when u seen it just with different alloys on
I know a certain Police Constable that attends the Shindig quite regularly and is partial to a bit of sniff & smoke on his nights out/off... Tut tut :tut:
Deffo take it further mate, thats a disgrace. I remember years ago, a plain dressed Policeman jumped out of an unmarked car and grabbed a mate of mine, bruising his arm because he was trying to get away, not realising he was a copper. We all said what happened, but the officer said that his badge and radio were fully on display and that he shouted "police" as he stopped the car. An official complaint was made and an inspector came round but said that there was not enough grounds to press any charges. Theres a minority that think they can do whatever they feel like, and its a disgrace.
there was a lad i knew, son of me mam&dad's good friends, who is a copper in the west end. he once told his mother, who ultimately mentioned it to my mother, that i'd overtaken him doin 50mph in a 30 zone. now i have been known to have a heavy foot but was pretty sure that i hadnt done it as i wouldnt have been speeding in the area he mentioned, and certainly wouldnt have overtaken any1. he said that if he'd been on duty he would've pulled me and would have to have taken me to court. now not only did i think i was innocent of this, but i was also pissed that some1 i thought was a mate and had known for years would say anything to any1 else but me. anyway, the "officer" in question lived in stakeford (where me mam lives) and whilst travelling along the a1 on my way there from town, an xr2i, which i recognised as *name removed for legal reasons" came speeding up in the outside lane. i pulled out behind him and followed him all the way. after the first time we hit 110mph i started flashing my lights, sounding my horn and waving. as he turned into his estate i pulled up alongside with a great big smile on my face and it was the first thing i said to my mam when i walked thru the door. never been so smug in my life!!!
Police Officers were generally bullied at school ! Thats why they think they have the power with the helmet, truncheon etc etc ! Generally the case...
of the 2 people i know who joined 'the force' (for since have never been spoken to again) this was actually true!
theres a lad at work who wants to be a police officer, i guess he was bullied at school...tbf he's still bullied now!