Shit Bollox Shit I am flying to Bristol on Thursday morning on Easyjet. Now i know u dont need a passport because its in the UK. But they still ask for photo ID. Just noticed my passport expired last month. Dont have a photcard driving licence. Am i bolloxed? Or will my passport still count in this case seeing as im not flying abroad?
Re: Shit Bollox Shit They'll not accept an out of date passport but driving license etc should suffice...
Probably be best to give Easy Jet a call tomorrow to see what they'd accept. They may take something like an NUS card in conjunction with your expired passport or a utility bill as further proof... Might not either like...!
Found this on the Easyjet site. "If you do not have one of the above means of identification, please contact easyJet call centre 0871 7 500 100 who will be able to advise you of any alternative arrangements which may be made. Calls charged at 10p per minute within UK. For other telephone numbers visit the contact us section). " Off to make a call.
at a push they might accept a photo id from work if u've got one vin, 'sides from that i cannot think :chill:
If u watched Airlines/Airport the other day and have read the papers then you will of seen that they used to allow you to travel without a passport and use other forms of ID ! However now there clamping right down on it, i have seen numerous people told they cant travel even tho they have had perfectly good forms of photo ID ! I would suggest getting a new passport Vin..
I have no Photo ID whatsoever, apart from this expired passport. However i have just spoken to someone at Easyjet (after a very frustrating 15 mins trying to find a way through their web of numerical options just to speak to a human). Apparently expired passports are accepted for domestic flights as Photo ID for 3 years following expiry. :doh:
Suggestion on board. Anyway i always thought they lasted 5 or 10 years. This one was issued Oct 01, and expired Sep 04. Thats just 2 years 11 months. Shite that like!
Readin through ppls suggestions.. though they were quite sensible.. then came to this.. :rofl: Talk about straight to the point
i was watching that airline program on the tv the other night and a little old dear had the same problem, at first they refused her but relented in the end and let her fly, but i think that was cos the cameras were there and they didnt want the bad publicity that was easyjet
This happened to me in March got to the Airport and forgot my passport was flying to London Lukily I had my company ID on me and they allowed me to fly. Why not nip to the travel center and get a week bus/metro pass or something the cheapest one you can get that should be ok i think !!!
vin, it was on the tv the other night saying that you can use an expired passport aslong as its not more than 2 years out of date. but of i would check it out first