rather bizzare dream just read a post by allie and i suddently remebered a dream i had last night, been thinking about it and i think this is about it: i was at a university (god knows which one..possibly northumbria) in the bar/union thing where we were being given a lecture, we were sat on those seats with the attached silly table thing while drinking jd and coke. the lecture was on sea birds and the lecturer was allie, wearing a white lab coat. He was stood with a metre rule pointing at a screen onto which slides were shown while talking abuot british sea birds...everynow and again tho, a picture of martin (crasherkid) was popping up intsead of the slide he thought would and he was getting really really angry (especially as they were from my photo collection and were distracting) he got redder and redder and kept taking his glasses off and wiping his brow as people were laffing at him talking about the beautiful plumage of martin. eventually he went kinda insane, he put the meter rule threw the screen and started tipping desks up. he got to my desk and was about to throw me and the desk and my drink onto the floor when i woke up to the sound of my dog snoring. what does it mean?
i think i have martin on the brain AND allie is crazy. buit whats the sea birds reference? and why is allie a lecturer? does he want to teach me a lesson?
The lab coat thing is quite significat...I wear them at college. Plus, I like birds, although usually not of the sea variety (I've never even been in, I don't drink on the Quayside...). The metre rule thing could be quite significant of something too...
Did I fail to mention I get panic attacks do now and again ever since I had the surgery on my back Being awake since Friday didn't really help