A certain cable/internet/phone provider I had an appointment today to switch my cable etc etc from my old house to my new flat... my new one used to have cable in with Telewest so i thought it'd be a nice & easy swap over was it fuck:evil: Firstly the cable guy drilled through the door frame to route the cable through to my dining room for my bb & drilled straight through an electrical wire that turned all the lights off in the flat, in his wisdom he then decided to get his supervisor down & proceeded to prize the part of the door frame in question off. Luckily fixed the problem but the state of the paintwork/wallpaper around it now as a result Then i rang through to customer service to find out why i couldnt log onto the net using my username/password only to find out they've changed that and my sodding Email address :evil: i then asked to be put through to the complaints dept who proceeded to pass me back to the tech support dept who hung up on me. Tried to get a manger on the blower but apparently " they've all gone home". Lets see if i get called back tommorrow Telewest
Re: A certain cable/internet/phone provider you can't speak with call centre managment cos most of them are posting on message boards all day
Re: Re: A certain cable/internet/phone provider True, everyone i spoke to sounded like they had there fingers up there arses anyway. Things def happen in 3's
Re: Re: Re: Re: A certain cable/internet/phone provider I do now but its not Customer Service its inbound sales for Orange. Selling new contracts etc. The people are already interested as its the very best deals Orange do, & they pay me £17.000 a yr for it back of the net.
I got over paid by nearly 3 grand once and quickly resigned. I got one letter demanding it "be paid straight back" Of course I ignored it and that was it.
He did buzz it but it didnt pick it up!! cant blame the bloke really but it was still part of a long line of disasters yesterday