Bulgaria? Any1 been? Whats it like? We were lookin for sumwhere diff t go next year and looks cheap as chips here....whats it like tho?
As above really! Can't remember much about it as I was 7 when I went, but it was a good hol. Not alot there though. Its silly how cheap it is.
i went skiing there many years ago...tis really nice & cheap...just be careful of people asking you to pay in english money cos its worth more to them than bulgarian money...they're often undercover police men these days!
or hungary as its more commonly known. Budapest is a class city, nice genuine people, quite a lot to see, cheap but not stupidly cheap, fit women and some cracking clubs
lol, so are you saying that you know what i mean when i say hungaria? is hungaria another name for hungary??? do you think i meant hungary. wow.
you can buy a villa for like 3 k out there. iv heard ots very good for ski-ing and ok for beach resorts. i like the look of the lake resorts out there, look amazing.
really? i fucking KNEW IT!!!! for about 2 years, ness et al have been trying to convince me there is no such place as hungaria. your having me on arent you. i would check but opening another window of internet explorer makes it close down.