Re: Suffering the worst I have felt for years, it's your fault managed 12 bottles of brown ale, personal best for me. Detox for a few weeks
yeah yeah how long did yas stay at the pub yesterday for then?? just 'a couple'???? i also feel fine, 15hrs sleep last night
worst hangover ive had in a long time!!!, suppose that what ya get for drinking LCL allday!!! :spangled:
lol wot a couple of cokes!!! i was drivin remember!!! we left bout half an hr after u. slash, fran, sharky and sean were still there. i just lay bout all afternoon. then woke up this morning and feel all lightheaded, my nose wont stop runnin and my throat hurts.
I got up @ 6.30 and walked about 2 miles to my car in the rain pissed, then into work smelling like a beer keg.
Nah, just busy @ work today & gotta go down London tonight for a meeting in the morning! Ask again this time next week & I'll probably gie you a different answer...! :clap: :beer: :bonkers: :sick:
Jack - Jess went home with Rach! How did u get to mine after 'peth? Apparantly I fell over and spewed on the bartender in Aruba so Debs took me home:spangled:
She went with Rach Beer scooter dropped me off in Debs kitchen just in time to see your sister spew down your dads leg I also upset debs dad and got told off I'm still feeling a little odd :spangled: