Parents When do parents every stop 'butting' into our life? I don't even live with mine but OMG they cant half interfere when it comes to anything to do with MY life! When are they going to realise its my life and I learn by my mistakes! Im 21 FFS! I know they care but really...... Anyone else have the same problem?
i live with momma and its a pain in the arse, just got new job so hopefully will b heading for a flat in the next few months
my rents can be harsh at times but who can blame them, im their son! if they knew half the shit i got up 2 they'd go fuckin ape shit!!
Yeh I know but when they think they are doing the right thing they arent and as ppl say you learn by your own mistakes!
i get severe nagging... but at the end of the day im a **** and i deserve / need it from somewhere. we argue like hell but i know they are looking out for me...
lol at this... it kills me when im home for crimbo or whatver, they dont spot nagging! when im away at uni, im always the one to ring them, just leave me b when im down here...good stuff, but i sumtimes want them to be bothered if u get me!! lol! xx