Say Whoop Just Got A................. ..........JOB Say whoop just got a job Had an interview yesterday then got a phone call in the afternoon asking me for a secong interview next week. The got a call today telling me that they have decided i am more suited to the job than any of the other's who applied and therefore would like me to start on monday morning. Say whoop just got a job say whoop just got a job Friday nights gonna be extra messy now :spangled:
ha ha nice one, u knew u were gonna get it anyway tho didnt ya. we will never b able to get rid of u at wkends now. :spangled: :laugh: when u quitting the restaurant???
Shh let me think i did it on my own Ya will be able to get rid of me any weekend where i am ill or dying any others and me and linzi will be up. Might bring stumpy with us too And am handing in my notice tomorrow night. Am hoping will have my last shift before Matt
Good effort! I want to apply for a different job but forgot to bring my Chronicle in on Monday & today & was in London yesterday so didn't get the chance!!! Might see if I can find it from their website though...
there about 5 of us starting new jobs on monday on the GG board Gonna get smashed tonight the again on friday then again on sat. Then go buy some new work stuff on sunday
like i said on thwe phone duncan congratulations sweetie just gives onemore reason to get messythins weekend
Thanks again and like you ever needed a reason to get fooked. Can't wait to get batter aint been for 8 days now @ Blakey ta bud you out on fri?
thing id though blenky i only invite a few the other fukers turn up cannot get read of them for love or money