We are all 'Hard House Hedonists,' apparently. From todays Metro: (not exact as I left the paper on the metro.) "Over at Promise, the hard house hedonists welcome Fergie. Famous for his 100-mph-house - is joined by residents Richard Tulip and Anton Fielding. This is one for big furry boots, as opposed to winter ones" Who writes this crap
For fucks sake! Least they got the line up/day right this time! They probably typed in 'Fergie' into Google read the words hard house and thought that'll do.
Metro always get it wrong - it gets mentioned all the time ! Some of the DJ's they say could be anything BUT HH DJ's
They may have gone to Promise about 4 years ago when Fergie was there and, if memory serves correct, did play quite a hard set... :spangled:
Emailed them to point out their errors. Let me know if you spot any more though, because obviously I can't check everything, all the time, myself. Cheers.