Charlie and the Chocolate Factory movie pics That looks fuck all like Willy Wonka is supposed to, for a start! And, if thats supposed to be an oommpa lumpa, the world has gone mad. Agustus Gloop isnt looking too fat either! He'd never block a pipe! *edit* - Actually the one in red might be Mike Teevee? He's really old if it is tho!
Re: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory movie pics Its not like it is hard to find a decent person for an oommpa lumpa pic - they could have just waited outisde one of the millions of stand and tan places that churn out women with ridiculous fake looking bright orange sun tans!
It's a classic but it'll be interesting to see what Johnny Depp does with it- he's an excellent actor and I reckon he'd be perfect as willy wonka
The original film scared me! You can't beat the book if you ask me I will be going to see this though, mainly because I fancy the arse off Johnny Depp!
I dont think they are runing the book or original film. If its shit, it will surely just make the originals look better
Re: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory movie pics It looks like a parcel of shite to me. They've americanised it