Drugs and the media Talk about over reacting ... the boy on Hollyoaks has smoked a couple of joints, had a whitey after school and there playing the story likes he's got a major hard drug problem. Then there's the Bill star in the tabloids puliclcy regretting taking a line, saying it's the biggest mitake she's ever made... ffs, she hardly did a Gary glitter. Wor Abby showed how to do it... she admits to snorting lines of coke of other burds clits, stands proud and makes a cool few million.
SOmething in the paper bout Mutu again......the sun managed to buy a gram on a night out in manchester They took it back to their lab to confirm it was cocaine and it was..........in lehmans terms "they went back to their hotel and snorted it all......it got them a little fucked so yeah it was good gear"
Re: Drugs and the media Only cos she realised cokes shit and she could have spent her £40 on pills and got really off her tits
The whole thing in Hollyoaks is pathetic yeah...what they dont realise is the majority of people who watch that probably smoke weed themselves...and take other drugs on top of that, on a regular basis really... They feel as though they have 2 do that so people learn 'drugs are bad ' and i suppose there probly are people out there who agree with the storyline and all that..i know some people who would never even think about touching drugs.. Whoever said you should just tell kids and people like it is, is right...cos things like that...what the hell... They acted like he got addicted to it aswell..having sneaky doobies when his mum went out...
I remember when Prince Harry had a drawer off a silk cut and ended up in fucking rehab and had to apolgise to "the taxi with its doors open" (Prince Charles) Fuck knows where id be if my family were that shit.
the plot in hollyoaks is ridiculous...... smoking the odd J isnt gonna make you steal stuff to buy more weed and then smack your mum when she says you have a problem....... its things like these that CAUSE the problem rather than fix it.
Re: Re: Drugs and the media It is impossible to generalise that coke is shit. It depends entirely who you get it off, ie how good their stuff is and how trustworthy they are. I have been far more off my head on a gram of coke than I have been off any number of pills. Then on the other hand I have never had a decent bit of coke since I moved up north 3 years ago!