Text messages... This has probably been done before, but what the hell. Have you ever sent a text message to someone that was meant for someone else? And if so, what happened? Just wondered as my mate did this last night with potentially dire circumstances
Re: Text messages... yea kno what you mean. If your txting a few diff girls, then inevitably u gona txt the wrong girl the wrong msg, and also include kisses on the ends of txts to your m8s
when i had jus finishd wiv me ex. i was sending a msg 2 peter, tlkin bout him. n i ended up sendin it 2 my ex instead of to peter. :laugh:
i think its the same that happens to every1 - sending messages to different girls/boys and getting names mixed up - causing absolute hell on at times :laugh:
When I got my latest fone, I used to send txts to the wrong ppl all the time cos I had to press diff buttons to what I was used to. Nothing rude :laugh: or nasty tho
If I'm in a bit of a state, I tend to send messages to people if I have mentioned them in the message. But usually if I have mentioned them in the message, it's cos I'm slagging them off or something
I've done it, but it's never been anything dodgy. I used to do it quite a bit, and send msgs meant for my mates to Amy, cos I was so used to txting her. I've done the kisses on messags to mates thing too
When I was on holiday in Dublin recently, one of the lasses I was with was being a daft cow and went to bed at half 10 'cause she missed her boyfriend. The other lass (whose birthday weekend it was) I was with was absolutely furious with her and wrote a massive text message to her sister about how much of a bitch this other girl was.. then sent it to the lass's boyfriend. Unfortunately, the message failed. I was gutted, the look on her face was the funniest thing I'd ever seen. I almost did it the other week. There were some problems at work and I texted my mate from work to find out what had happened, totally slagging someone off for causing trouble. Then wasn't concentrating and almost sent it to the person I'd slagged off, until someone else from work watching over my shoulder pointed out what I was about to do.
I tried to send one to my mate which towards the end said "Chris was being a fucking cock earlier. I think he's got the message now but if he says one more thing I'm going to hit him". I went and sent it to Chris who recieved the text a few seconds later. It cut off after "Chris was being a fucking" and left him quite confused thinking I was joking. About five minutes later he got the rest and shit himself.
I've nearly done this about 10 times - as soon as you realise TURN YOUR PHONE OFF. It works if you do it within 10 seconds of realising Make sure you delete it from your outbox/drafts after you turn it back on, the phone may try to send it again a few minutes later.
when i was bowt 16/17 i'd just finished with an ex and started seeing another girl, and i worked with both of them. the girl i had started seeing texted the girl id just finished saying what a bitch the she was, and i think the phrase 'jealous little cow' was used if i remember correctly, but the text was intended for me. ive never done it personally, as the shit the afore-mentioned text caused has always made me double check before sending
ive done it loads. especially if u get a text while in middle of writtin one to someone else always ends up to the wrong person. and if u r talkin bout someone in a text but not sendin it to them they usually go to person u talkin bout by mistake coz u r thinkin bout them while writin a text.
About a year and a half ago I was splitting up wiv my boyfriend who I had been going out with for a year, and accidently sent him a message that was supposed 2 go to this other lad Alex.. :blush: It sounds typical but at the time it was awful..i was totally mortified I had been caught out! Completely serves me right though..
One nite i was tryin to send a txt to my mate off a mates phone, it was about wot a nite id had nd how off it i was, i must have been wrecked tho cos i sent it to her auntie instead! god knows what she thought!!