Thai! wet sluggy and sealed in this bag, different to last time. Need to find somewere cold to store 'em tho
r u gettin them dryed out or freash picked?....if they have just been picked,by the time you get um in a plastic bag(if thats how they arrive)theyl b sweated up...if not,dry them out,this way u get tje best out of them,brew um up,the lot,no fannyin about,and enjoy.. remember,if there huge n freash,dont be scared to eat the lot at once,there only full of water,they love water,mine grow huuuuuuuuuuge,dry them out n there like a sriveld up anphetimene penis...
just to add,av just took a peek at the link..have u bought truffle kinda lump fungus things? 10g gets u like ur on toooot,floatin about not keepin still. tastes like wallnut,but bitter purfume after taste.....when u come down ul fart like fuck.... am pretty sad,so av enjoyed this thread..