The football factory.......... just watched this before and thought it was brilliant. i'd recommend it to anybody that aint already seen it. very graphic which was a tad disturbing at times, but very hard hitting imo, and that ghost!!! freeky aint the word.
Re: The football factory.......... With the hood & the bandages? Class film imo, get yourselves down to the Adelphi in town for the real life version
Re: The football factory.......... u cud get ur own article in the reviews section with words like them mate. class film tho, top stuff.
Its alreet, proper low budget UK Film tho - just shows what goes on in the football underworld slightly - obviously not loads cos they cant get to know loads ! Has a bit of a shitty ending as well..
i dunno whether i've seen this or something simialar...its supposed to be good tho from what Ken said...hes turning into a right film buff!
I thought it was absolutely shit. No plot and totally glorifies football hooliganism. ID is a much better film
was an excellent film...class soundtrack (smack my bitchup when zebedee was the bandaged dude spooky as fuck)...doesnt glorify football hooliganism just tells it like it is.