Just had the best lesson! ...in Art!! we got to make paper mache pizzas....was soo much fun! oh the joys of being a trainee teacher! (mine was the best and i had to show and tell) whopp whoop!! small things eh!?? :laugh: xx
Re: Just had the best lesson! Don't you mean simple things (as in simple things please simple minds) not small things? :spangled:
Re: Re: Just had the best lesson! can be both, i think! yes it is simple, but it is also a small thing...was class! x
It'll be all worth it, if you actually enjoy the job you're in, it's half the battle won! I can't stand mine at the moment & got my pension statement through a while ago, minumum number of years of until retirement : 37! (not that I'll be doing this job forever though... )
awww...! cant wait till im qualified, its all ive wanted to do teaching for 3mnths jan-march..thats when the fun begins, hard work atm tho! pete- what u doing now like? student life = x