does anyone know a decent place to get your fortune told! my mate wants this done as a birthday present from me!
hehehe.....i'm a bit synical but i understand her reasons! do u know any more details or can u get anymor edetails...jus ti live a lot of milage away from whitley bay!
my mate had her 'tealeaves' read on tues....said was well good...! just look in the yellow pages, hun, sure there pretty much all the same!!
Look into my crystal ball and concentrate, concentrate hard, focus... (whilst Lee relieves you of any cash & valuables)
Re: does anyone Dont bother - My ex girlfriend was told she should stay with the 'Blue Eyed geordie boy' (me) by a fortune teller at the Hoppings, .... then we broke up !!!!!!!!!!!!! Gyppo curse i reckon!
Re: Re: does anyone its not my choice & shes my best mate & i can't think of fuck all else to get her so a nice meal & her fortune read!
i got offered lucky heather on northumberland street again... i knew it was coming... does that mean i'm psychic? hhmm... i predict i'm going to get lashed friday and come home with dirty trainers and my clothes smelling of an old mans labour club.... lets see if it comes true
The romany gypsy in the caravan at the top of the bigg market claims to offer all this spiritual bollocks but just advises the moral route on common sense... ask paula cos she met her and she admitted to doing exactly that! None of the tea leaves or palm reading she does has any basis with what she actually tells ya!
if i get mine read i will! it'll probs tell me tha ti'll b an old spinster that scares little children & has lots of cats! bwa ha ha ha ha ha :evil:
Im sure it wont Try and tape record it aswell, so then you can listen back. I forgot pretty much straight away the few times Ive had it done, but got one of em on tape
i can't b arsed to drive to your old book shop so could u get in touch & ask her to pay me a visit??!!!