"Judicial Caning" For The Telegraph MP George Galloway has won his High Court libel action against the Daily Telegraph newspaper. He was awarded ?150,000 damages over "outrageous and incredibly damaging" claims he was in the pay of Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein.The 50-year-old MP for Glasgow Kelvin, an outspoken critic of the Iraq invasion, smiled as Mr Justice Eady gave his ruling. Afterwards he described the result as a "judicial caning" for the Telegraph. "I was portrayed as an enemy of the state. The real enemies are those reponsible for taking Britain to war," he said. Mr Galloway, who was thrown out of the Labour Party over his anti-war views, added: "I would have been bankrupted if I had lost this case." The judge said he was "obliged to compensate Mr Galloway... and to make an award for the purposes of restoring his reputation". He added: "I do not think those purposes would be achieved by any award less than £150,000." He also ordered the Telegraph to pay £1m costs. Mr Galloway sued the paper over a series of articles last April which followed the discovery of documents in Iraq by its reporter David Blair. The stories claimed Mr Galloway had secretly received £375,000 from Saddam and that he had diverted money from Iraq's oil-for-food programme. The newspaper denied libel, claiming it was responsible journalism and in the public interest to publish the contents of the documents. A Telegraph spokesman said the judgment was "a blow to the principle of freedom of expression in this country". The newspaper will appeal, he added.
aye so anyways....... dj "x" is wank and i reckon that i really cant wait for the boxing day party, will be well good!
and have you heard the tune that goes, DUH DUH DUH DUH wooooooooooooooooh baby? anyone? dust? yes? no? dust? no? anyone? dust?
i thought that wasnt a real person? just dj "x" as in whatever? oh lordy, no wonder i cant get your first post!