Anime I've just finished watching all 94 subbed (so far) episodes of Urusei Yatsura, and I'm already getting withdrawals... It'll be another decade before AnimEigo finish subbing the other 101 episodes But, to take my cravings away - I'm just downloading the entire series of Ranma 1/2 (32 gigs! But it's whizzing away at 100kB/s ). I've already read all the manga, but never seen the series. Rumiko Takahashi is a legend Just wondering how many peeps off this board like Japanese anime/manga/hentai ?
in my teens i watched a bit... now i've only got Akira and Ghost in the Shell on DVD... fists of the north star was always a classic, as well as the urotusukidoji (sp?) bizzare ones....
hi d0d9y mate - if you can, read a book called 'Wrong About Japan' by Peter Carey - here's a press release: Peter Carey's new book Wrong About Japan: A Father's Journey With His Son is Out Now through Random House. In it, Carey examines Japanese culture through the lens of his son Charley's fascination with anime and manga. The two travel to Japan on Charley's proviso that they avoid The Real Japan - which means no museums, temples, raked stone gardens, teahouses, Kabuki or anything related to the picture postcard view of the country! Instead they hook up with a teenage local Takashi who shows them the flipside of Tokyo - the one that's not in all the guidebooks. And Carey and Charley make it their mission to meet and interview Japan's master animators including: Hayao Miyazaki creator of the Oscar-winning Spirited Away; Mr Tomino orginiator of the Gundam series; Production IG's Kitakubo director of Blood: The Last Vampire... and discover the many meanings of the word Otaku often used in reference to anime fans. Carey discovers that most of his perceptions of Japan are 'wrong', and takes obvious delight in challenging his misconceptions and ours. y
I Fist of the North Star, both the movie and series... nowt better than an exploding head in the morning Urotsukodoji: Legend of the Overfiend & Legend of the Demon Womb are classics - went a bit downhill after that though... Have you read the Akira manga series? Expands so much more on what was going on, I actually understood it! @ Jay - if I have any cd's left after making the porn I'll do ya copies
oooh, looks good Been watching Adam n Joe Go Tokyo - it's a bit poor in places but some of it's fascinating. I can't wait til I stop off there on my travels - I'm gutted I can't get a working holiday visa tho, you have to be under 25 to get one for Japan. I hate being old...
i've seen a few of the original akira comics... but never read it all properly... whats wrong with the 'cartoon' version? the bike chases at the start with a crackin soundtrack does it for me...
Nowt wrong with the anime at all! I think it's a masterpiece of animation! Just saying that the manga lets you know what's going on (after you've finished reading it tho). I've got the OST somewhere too, is belter
wasn't at you... .jay said 'cartoon' - just wondered what he meant by it - i know the comic that was spread over a long time was much better... but it launched the 'manga' style jap animation across the world.... edit : brought it to a wider audience i should say...
You've done the same as Jay - the animation is called 'Anime' - the comics are called 'manga' :tut: And what a good movie to spread the joy of anime
yeah, thats the misconception everyone makes! infact lots of 'adult' cartoon styles get classed as 'manga' - when they're not even japanese!
Manga Video's fault. They really pissed me off when in the late nineties they stopped releasing decent anime, instead putting out mindless violent shite with no plot and lots of breasts. May sound like my perfect thing, but this stuff was crap!! Worst was the american dubbing - adding the word 'fuck' as much as possible for no reason. :evil: :evil: After reading the above, I think I'm a double-standard bearing hypocrite.
I'm partial to a bit of anime. Never really got into the manga though. Still, I enjoyed Akira, Crying Freeman (chapter 1 and 2), Blood: The Last Vampire, Ninja Scroll, Monster City, Wicked City and Hellsing
:worship: Anyone seen Golgo 13: The Professional? The best computer-generated special effects I've ever seen!! Put's The Matrix to shame!
I like anime but dont have enought time to watch it. Like alot of peeps Akira was the 1 that got me into it. Quite like Ghost in the shell stand alone complex,Last Exile,Gundam Seed,Ninja Scroll series,and Macross plus. Some of it is quite hard to get into i find so prefer the action sort of stuff over the politics and love stories.