Detox DVD Absolute quality!! Highlights include: Davey with cock out DJ Three-for-a-tenner humping a pole Hook's tale of heroics and mutiny on the bounty Bar staff getting the rave on Munters (everybody)
Cap'n Melt sez a couple of the Sony-brand DVD's may not be working, if so drop me a PM and I'll get a replacement off him sorted. Part 2 of the DVD is out next year...
I'll think you'll find it "Wheres the rave at?"... and the rave'll be at the cockney's lock-up from now on I reckon.
Static put a copy of it in my record back when I was playing @ hoovers gig at the cottage. But within the space of an hour someone had nicked it out of my back grr Does anyone na if am on it? (Phil Cogan)
He's asked me "Where's the rave on?" a few times... like the idea of the lock up like @ Cogan - you even have your name in very big letters.
Is Melt gonna bring out a box set of the Detox dvd collection? With a extra dvd with all the extra footage and interviews with all the djs. A special edition of the detox "Blair Witch" would be good.
Detox DVD 2 - "Melt's Hair Project", containing all the missing footage, out-takes, and my testicle will be out January 05