Frank's Factory Flooring Every year it's the same... "I've got millions of pounds worth of carpets I just HAVE to get rid of, going for cRaZy prices..." Wouldn't you think that he'd learn from his mistake the year before and NOT BUY AS MUCH IN THE FIRST PLACE??? :spangled: "I love carpets, me" - FUCK OFF! :angry: That advert has been on the radio about 50 times today & is driving me up the wall!
Re: Frank's Factory Flooring don't listen to shitty north east radio stations then. also in relation to your comments regarding the surplus carpet, its all a clever advertising scam to get you to buy more.
Re: Re: Frank's Factory Flooring Really...? Well I never... Fuck me, you'd think with a degree in Business Management I'd have picked up on something like that, eh? Anyway, what's clever about it??? Got the laptop with tunes on today anyway so no need to have the radio on!