Just a thought... 150,000 people killed by a earthquake and the press make out like its the end of the world. All the people of the world are throwing money at the victims. 120,000 Iraqi civvies are killed by Amercians and no-one seems to give a dam? The only thing these people get thrown at them are bombs!! Isnt the world and its views strange sometime.
Yeah but I have heard about five vastly different figures from different sources ranging from 30,000 to more than 100,000. It's very typical of those who are in support of the "war against terror" to play down the numbers, but those against to play them up. I am not sure what to believe in all honesty....
But that article basically says what I said which is that nobody REALLY knows. To be honest I don't think the UK or US want to know the real total.
Re: Re: Just a thought... http://www.iraqbodycount.net/ I was watching abc news on bbc 24hr service last night, quote of the century "a comforting thought is the fact that most of the animals survived where the humans didn't".... Yep its very comforting to know that deer survived where 150,000 died They then went on to barely mention that the govenor of baghdad got assinated instead they focused on 5 US troops killed... this of course followed the national not so significant stories.... Gotta love american media. In america the tsunami is getting about as much coverage as the war in iraq...
My Amercian pals said they had heard of the waves but "they dont show pictures of stuff like that over here".
It reeks that so much effort is being made to find out and report the official death toll from the tsunami yet no effort was made to report an offical death toll of Iraqi civilians killed by coilition fire. Are there lives somehow worth less than the poor buggers that got caught in the wave zone, some who were there by choice? I DONT THINK SO Good point Pike
The Iraqi's are more deserving IMO. These people have suffered at the hands of other men not a freak wave.
I thought it was ironic that the Americans on the news last night were giving aid to the muslim's effected.