Agencies Can anyone recommend any good job agencies in the area? Im looking for a new job and was thinking of going through an agency. Im looking for admin work really, dunno if that makes any difference. Im also considering doing temp working. Has anyone done this before? Do you get regular work? Cos I have bills to pay in the mean time. Do you get any choice with what you do/where you go? Do you have to pay them for helping you? :spangled:
a while back i got a job with Royal Mail, through an agency called reed in newcastle. they were really good. i wasnt there very long, but when i left, they gave me pay for the days holiday i had earned while working there.
i've done it during my summers at uni... thru brook street in leeds and kellys in bradford, and i've had no problems but i know a few people who have done it and not liked it... if you can do normal hours, have some experience and are generally not like you are the morning after a big night out during the week then you should have no probs finding regular work... flirt wi the agency guy too, this seemed to work for rhi!
i got my job through kellys (and am still employed by them until next week) tho wouldnt really reccommend them. depends what youre looking for i suppose, i really like the job im doing though kellys have been fairly shite, have done nothing for me except take a slice of my pay start my permanent contract next week though
do not go thru adecco their wank !!! messed my p45 up as well as holiday pay etc when i left them to start the job im in now !!
im currently through blue arrow, although im merely waiting for the formalities to be sorted and then im on a permanent contract. they find you work well enough, but they take a hefty slice of pay and can be dicks when you need to get anything sorted.
i went through Selet! There quite good tbf! They specialize in call centre and admin. After three months i got a permanant contract with the glorious Npower!! There on Northumberland st above the Orange shop. just give them a ring bud.
I've worked for them for a while, leaving in 2 weeks for a new job but they are really bad, they've fucked up my pay every month for a year and dropped me in the shit loads. Can't wait to get rid tbh.
Agencies don't seem to care as long as they get there coin!! Select knacked my pay up a few times and just said "you can come and get a cheque or we'll have it in the bank by tuesday" whats your new job jim?
Going to work for British Airways mate doing customer service, the money is better and its a safe job
I used to work for them got made redundant on Sep 11th! It was good job, shift work thou! :evil: Cheap flights thou! Well cheap!
Got a job recently thorugh temp-team at auto trader in team valley. Paid on time every time, they rung me to make sure I handed in my time sheet when I hadn't so, yeah, pretty helpful on the whole and got me work quick
Cant ask for much more than that!! Gonna check out some of these agencies online Not too happy about them not getting your wages right like
Im the branch manager of an agency called Adelphi. We`re based in Gateshead and are constantly looking for candidates across the commercial / administrative / secretarial sectors. As for the problems people have mentioned, i`m not gonna try and preach about it, but most have sounded like they happened with national agencies. We are a one location, independant, family owned and ran company, therefore actually care about candidates. As for having to pay the agency, ive never heard of this before, can someone give me some examples (figures) because as far as Im led to believe, this is illegal in the new working time directives and REC code of conduct. If you are i`ll happilly point you in the right direction of getting your charges back!!