Laser Eye Surgery I am totally sick of wearing glasses cos they make me look like a total geek, and contact lenses are a right pain in the butt. I am seriously considering asking for laser eye surgery for my 21st and was wondering if any of you guys had had it done or bene put off by it or anything?! Opinions please...
A friend of mine had it and it gives him really bad headaches still, the operation was about 6 months ago.
I've got contacts at the minute but people always think I'm pissed cos I'm constantly squinting, I'm totally not used to them and I've had them for about 6 months I was just gunna get one eye done in case it went wrong then at elast I'd still have one decent eye but then I thought that was really stupid I just wanna be able to see :cry2:
I got glasses when I was 11, they said wear these for 6 months and your eyesight will be back to normal. Almost 10 years later, I feel like I'm practically blind
my eye site was A1 till I came out the forces and started working with PC's all fucking day often in dark rooms. Now my site is poor, I blame computers for my eyes.
my dad had it done its improved his eyesight but he still needs to wear glasses at some points. they cant do it for everyone tho depends who your sight is effected!! a grand an eye tho!!!
That's why I was gunna ask for it for my 21st DId it cost anything for a consultation or anything to see if they could do anything first or are those free?
i want mine done , tried contacts for a month but cudnt get away with them , then i broke em !!! my eyes are astigmatic tho so laser mite not be as straight forward !!!!
no they do the consultation for free to test if you can have it and they also giv u an indication of how effective it will b so that u can decide whether it is worth u gettin it done of not
Since working on a computer solid for 3 months I'm even noticing the difference now. It's bugging me when im driving, I strain to focus on distant things. My eye site was perfect until about a 2 years ago when I started using computers more but not all the time at sixth form. Computers definitley fuck up your eyes.
I got it done about 5 years ago. Best thing Ive ever done ! ! I think it was LASIK surgery I got done. They put some eye drops in your eye then put these splektrums or something on your eye's to keep them open. Then they get a scalpel and make a slit in your eye's, you can see the scalpel like, heh. Then it feels like air is blowing in each eye for about 8 seconds each. And thats it !! You have to wear these mad plastic things over ya eye's that make you look like a fly, to stop you scratching them and tearing the slit. It feels like your eyes are rolling around like your on about 2 love doves from 1990 !! So you need someone to go with you to take you home. They give you a sleeping pill that knocks you out for a few hours. When you awake there will be a slight improvement, but it gets better over a couple of days and you have to keep the fly eye's on for bed. Clever stuff like !
Ive always been blind! Got contacts on the scene though Im no good with my glasses ive had about 5 pairs n always sit on them :blush: