Pizza Toast I hadn't had this stuff in years, until I was making cheese on toast last night and remembered it, so I made some. Had some more today too. Would've had more tonight but we ran out of decent cheese. I absolutely love the stuff Rediscovered tiger toast too, although I'm not sure that's a very popular thing in the UK. I'm hoping I'm not being too random here and you all know what pizza toast is I have the diet of a 5 year-old
I don't know what pizza toast is, although I don't like cheese or pizza so chances of me liking it are very slim
Re: Pizza Toast Nope! But I'm guessing it's just toast with cheese and whatever toppings on top? Or not?
O...k. Seems pizza toast wasn't as popular as I thought then. It's basically just cheese on toast, with tomato puree, and other pizza toppings if you want. It's class, try it Tiger toast is cheese on toast with Marmite, in case you were wondering I found out about that one years ago from someone in Australia tho, don't think it's a very big thing over here.
ever tried cheese on toast with lea + perrins? it's quite nice imo, looks fuck all like it does on the advert tho, more like a yellow brown mash of goo
It was my equivalent of breakfast this morning, although it was more like brunch by the time I dragged my ass outta bed. Si, why's that wrong?
you have no idea what you are missing out on its on a plain pizza base btw, not on top of cheese + tomato
Ah. Nah it's class. Obviously minus the tomatoes and cheese, just marshmallows, chocolate spread and whipped cream