The Royal Pussy My kitten Stella is coming of age and I need to get her neutered. Can anyone recommend a decent vets in the Newcastle/Gateshead area? I have heard there's somewhere called Petsavers, possibly Gateshead way, that does only neutering and injections and is therefore cheaper - any ideas? BTW shame on anyone who clicked on this thinking it was gonna something from my 'personal collection' Tsk tsk.
Re: The Royal Pussy My parents have always used on on sherriff hill bank in gateshead, cant remember the name, but they are very good
do the pat savers thing do dogs as well? our young pup jersey needs thingy-ing and ness has lost the form to sort it out. bless her
told u man, pass me bread knife, a pair of scissors, some needle and thread and an elastic band....sorted
Vet Savers UK Ltd2, Brewery Lane, Felling, Gateshead, Tyne and Wear NE10 0EY Tel: 0191 4692232 Classification: Vets Reckon this might be it. £27.50 to have her neutered and £15 for first set of injections. Does this sound reasonable? Now I know why I named her Stella - reassuringly expensive indeed.
When I was in the states the people I were staying with took their cat to the vets to have his balls cut off! The Vet was chinese, grabbed hold of the cats balls and said (in a chinese accent, of course), "Ohhh, you have big bollocks.......but not for long!!!!" Poor cat.