Film re-makes Just found out that they're re-making Logan's Run! It's apparently gonna be a bit closer to the original William F Nolan novel, with the red age at 21 - but still, when will the raping of classic movies stop?!?! :angry: :fuming: Almost every re-make recently has been a pile of shite (apart from the piss-takes, eg Starsky and Hutch), and if the movie studio's aren't destroying the classics, they're digitally altering them so ET carries a walkie talkie instead of his schlong. Madness! :bang: I'll be surprised if the Logan's Run remake is anywhere near a quarter as good as the original.
Re-makes are gash generally. But there's a few good ones about. Ocean's 11 is a pretty good film not quite as good as the original Can't beat oriqinal's though like the oriqinal vampire film "Nosferatu"
Film remakes are usually shit tbh I heard a slight rumor that Arnold Shwarzenengger was going to star in the remake of Logans Run Speilbergs remake of 'War of the Worlds' looks as if its going to be a cracker tbh
I can only think of a coupla good re-makes: Night of The Living Dead (which was re-made by George A Romero anyways) The Thomas Crown Affair (on a par with the original) Solaris (again, on a par) Every other one has really shit on the original, eg Rollerball, Get Carter, Alfie, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Dawn of the Dead, etc. Booooooooooo!
Must be an old rumour, he can't star in any films now. Leo Dicaprio has also been rumoured... To think of them being american
Most of them are let downs. I was chatting with one of the VFX producers on the Godzilla remake and even he admitted that film did not need to be re-made.
remakes are shite and pointless - money spinners. Although i heard 'assault on precint 13' was a good remake - but won't have the impact like the first did - a kid dies!!! ALTHOUGH one of my fav films, 'Heat' is a remake of that tv movie 'LA Takedown' but with the ending changed
logan's run - classic. war of the world - a total classic from it's day BUT i don't have a problem with this remark - speilberg and Cruise - it's gotta be immense! a classic in it's own right - remakes with unknown directors and loads of crap effect - they're a let down!
Remakes eh ! what really bothers me is these guys film directors , producers , writers all these supposed creative people cant even think of an idea so they try to put a new slant on an old one i mean come on lets have some inspiration hear .... whats goin on are we no longer a race of inventive people are we not capable of coming up with fresh material .... its not just films either is it its music , tv blumin jokes yes roy chubby bnrown im talking about you get a grip man your songs are predictable and your telling the same crap now you were 5 years ago ..... ok so maybe thats a bit ott there are some real creative people out there so lets just start a petition and stop the remakes .... lets just have new ones all the time :spangled: But then again sometimes updating somthing can make it better and bring it to a newer audience ...... trance for example has evolved since the early years ..... jazz is now being reinteroduced to modern music , I may sound like im contradicitng myself hear but really its somthing to think about aint it
The original Godzilla's are fantastic! I loved all them movies, and one's like Ultraman too - the sfx were brill for their time too
The Manchurian Candidate was a good remake last year. WOTW and Willy Wonka look like they are going to be great as well But in general they are just the few exceptions as they are usually rubbish
AMAZING TRIVIA : I live in the town where the war of the worlds aliens land at the start, and indeed - the town where HG Wells lived. / END OF AMAZING TRIVIA