Global Gathering This is now a 2 day event, I have been told that it is impossible to get taxis to and from this as it's in the sticks, they have camping facilities which no way am i going to use as i need plugs for hair straightners etc therefore i will need to stay in a hotel, will it be easy to get taxis to and back from the hotel or will i be left stranded???
why dont u just go down on the sat on a coach then u wont need to stopover anywhere?? i dont think many ppl will do the camping thing ppl wud steal stuff and u wud b dirty and horrible and it will more than likely rain
best bet is to get the train down , then jump on the GK shuttle buses from the centre of stratford to the site on SAT : WILL take about 15 - 20mins if they go the right way. If you blag the best train fair you can get virgin ones for as cheap as about 25 quid which is infinitely better than doing on the bus when the toilet overflows / doesnt work. I have done it 3 years on the trot but am passing this year as I cant be bothered with all the evil munters looking at me evil the next morning at the station and all the brummies who think they funny but aren't "LETS haveeeett " in a brummie accent has to be heard to be believed. Planning for GK in the summer now like is what I call forward planning.
best bet is to get the train down , then jump on the GK shuttle buses from the centre of stratford to the site on SAT : WILL take about 15 - 20mins if they go the right way. If you blag the best train fair you can get virgin ones for as cheap as about 25 quid which is infinitely better than doing on the bus when the toilet overflows / doesnt work. I have done it 3 years on the trot but am passing this year as I cant be bothered with all the evil munters looking at me evil the next morning at the station and all the brummies who think they funny but aren't "LETS haveeeett " in a brummie accent has to be heard to be believed. Planning for GK in the summer now like is what I call forward planning.
Or u can get the coach down.....event express run a couple from n/ was thrity quid last year for a return ticket. Takes u right to the site. x But then u'd probs hav to camp if u were planning on stayin for the 2days. Im not sure if they'd let u out of the site and bac in again if u were stayin at a hotel. Has been known for the toilet to block etc....but they do stop at services on the way back.
u can get a taxi from brum new street to long marsden, cost 40 quid like, but there was 6 of us in the taxi all previous years ive trained to new street, then walked accross brum to the other station (cant remember name) then trained to stratford and shuttled it to the site. however, if u want to get back to stratford for the train its much easier if you walk back from the airfield, it's a mighty fucking walk tho, better than sitting in an 8 hour queue for the shuttle bus in the morning tho. i've done it the last 3 years and it's quite honestly completely lost its appeal for me, the first year was mint but the music was a bit all over the place, 2002 was mint music, shit weather, and i didn't enjoy myself too much this summer. i certainly couldn't be arsed with it being a 2 dayer
It's a nightmare getting from the site to stratford. The road is jammed and its about a 5 or 6 mile walk which is probably quicker to do. Saying that the traffic might not be as bad if people are camping
Hire a van and chuck a matress in the back. You might not be able to use your hair straighteners but you will get a decent sleep (take an eye mask and ear plugs too) and it's far safer than a tent. I've done it after a few festivals and just left at midday the next day.
Cheers, think i'll probably be best off just giong for the Saturday, my hair straightners are a major issue i can't turn up looking like a random haha. Am defo doing this one, have heard that Radio One have pulled out of Creamfields and Homelands which is why Global is now a 2 day event.