Channel 4 - Garbage? All i seem to see on channel 4 these days are variations on the same theme : lower class, alcoholic scrag end dregs of society being given make overs, or being forced to cheat on their partners, or having live colonic irrigations. Channel 4 sure is capitalising on the 17-18 years worth of reputation they built up with interesting programming - by flushing it all down the toilet in a 5 year period of gutter level TV : Wife Swap How Dirty Is Your Home 10 Years Younger You are what you eat .... and the classic one was last night i sat and watched as two effeminate old men in saville row suits but bright pink and baby blue shirts, showed a single mother with nothing better in her life to do other than sit in a cafe smoking tabs all day.... HOW to regain 3 hours of each day back. PEOPLE ACTUALLY HAVE TO BE TAUGHT HOW TO MANAGE THEIR OWN TIME?!?! What is this bloody world coming to? Seriously this stuff aint teaching us anything! Symptomatic of a society in decline. Discuss.
Channel 4's mint at the moment deffo the best channel on TV!! Its all about Deperate Housewives Peep Show Anatomy for beginners! Quality TV viewing
bbc 2 tuesdays dragons den auschwitz trouble at the top However channel 4 is so shit lately, they've gone overboard with their shock tv (that anatomy for beginners) their left wingness is now cliche and boring... and t4 is the fucking worst invention ever... all that wankasfuck american teen soaps (smallville, the oc, etc.)... channel 4 needs to die.
you're right channel 4 seems to have lost it's way.... i thought this the other night - the amount of 'how shocking are you' programs are knocking around, the variation on the docusoap...
Agreed - Channel 4 has turned shockingly shite It's still got some credentials at the mo with things like Shameless though
i love trouble at the top. the one last week about the danish guy who opened his own ferry company and was then the subject of a dirty tricks campaign by the bigger competitors was great television.
its a mix, ill say that, but totally agree with the fact that T4 needs to fuck off, as does every american yankee bullshit show, apart from smallville as i live in a house with fizz and ness, once you watch something THAT much, its hard not to get suckered in. come on though dawsons creek? i mean for fucks sake - "Pacey: Doug, you're going to have to learn how to process these hostile outbursts of rage. I mean, any therapist is going to tell you that these a re just mere repression tactics to mask your true homosexual desires. " Dawson: Understand what? The complicated mind of an adultress? Do you have some new earthshattering rationale on why you're breaking the sacred vows of marriage? It's pretty straight forward, isn't it? " i dont even know anyone that talks like that, let alone teenagers.