Touchdown for the Eagles Hopefully they can hold onto the lead and yours truly will be getting some money
Haha we got our local to have a lock in after the half 10 last orders and ended up staying right till the end, gutted though cos I was driving
Why does it take SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO long to play always stopping the bastard clock, i reckon there was about 67 seconds of action
When I first looked and thought 4 quarters at 15 mins we won't be here too long, then at fucking 3am the bastard is still going on!!!How the fuck does that work?!?! What's the point in stopping all the time?!
This is the reason I hate the Superbowl. The first time I watched it was years ago, I was really, really ill, couldn't stop being sick, was feverish and had a splitting head so sleep was a no-go. Trying to find decent TV in the early hours was impossible so I settled on the Superbowl. It was the longest night of my life!
Very reminiscent of his Glastonbury show last year. Missed the best of the play by falling asleep at half time
I must say that americunt football is a shite sport. infact they dont really need to turn up its more of a parade than a game Its no match for rugby the match is never active for more than 10 seconds they have a wank when they catch the ball or stop someone and they were frigging armour man... armour jousting needs armour not soft mans rugby Its more of a spectacle than a match. live and let die =>..