The future of trance in Newcastle?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by magicpaul, Feb 7, 2005.

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  1. magicpaul

    magicpaul Registered User

    Nov 14, 2001
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    in my lil magic office....
    The future of trance in Newcastle?

    If the weekend is anything to go by I don't hold out much hope for the future of trance in Newcastle.

    Goldenscan, playing for the first time in Newcastle, to about a quarter full venue. :(

    Most of the "core" trance fans in this area (i.e., people off here) who usually come to and support nights like Vuzz, Twisted, Promise...those same people who ask for people like this to play up here were nowhere in sight.

    If we could afford him I'd be straight on the phone to Dangerous Dave's agent.

  2. 1615634792921.png
  3. ManofScience

    ManofScience Guest

    Re: The future of trance in Newcastle?

    this, unfortunately seems to be the usual story. it's a sad fact.

    bad crack mate
  4. BRID

    BRID Has name in red. Staff

    Jan 31, 2003
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    Ever changing
    Im willing to forgo making trips for chin stroking lineups, in favour of nights where i know the crowds will be out.

    Never thought id say that but lets be honest, its better with ferry corsten or judge jules despite the music not being TOTALLY my thing, than it is with a club with a few clubbers rattling about inside to obscure sub genres of dance music.

    North of the thames, trance as a scene that can support monthly events and still maintain a level of success - is wishful thinking?

  5. yeahBUTnoBUT

    yeahBUTnoBUT Banned

    Jan 9, 2005
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    the goldenscan

    I can play for you whenever you want.

    Paul I am well surprised that it wasnt full like (and this isnt me trying to be sarcy) I thought Golden scan were massive up here.

    Sometimes you can do loads of work loads of promotion and have a decent name and still the punters wont come out to play and then next time you do very little work and its packed.

    Basically the fickele nature of clubbers.

    Did you know Goldenscan was on the phone to Paul Kershaw on Galaxy on Sat (dont know if it was recorded or not) but switched it off before got a chance to see whether he mentioned vuzz or not.

    You'll be alreet long term man. 24hr drinking came in today

    you'llbe packed out be xmas!!!!
  6. graham

    graham Registered User

    Nov 14, 2001
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    its sad to say youve got a point paul :down:

    people go on about wanting something "different" but then you try it and get limited support. i really think & hope the night will work long term though, as some of the dj's are people ive genuinely wanted to see for a while and know a lot of people think the same, and for setup & atmosphere the nights getting better with each one, but at the end of the day if this nights going to work we need people to support us!!!!!
  7. Chris_Spence

    Chris_Spence Registered User

    Mar 29, 2003
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    Newcastle Upon Tyne
    I see your point Paul! and i agree with you, most of the people there on saturday were randoms off the street (which is a good thing) but there was only a few board members in sight! I was really suprised how dead it was, for a big name like 'Goldenscan'(and for people who 'INTO the trance scene, will kno who these are)

    Thing is tho, people ask for names like these for 'Promise' in countless threads before, and Mr Deakin has failed to have them play! Not having a go at Mark here! But you and Scott have made alot of effort in having these DJ's play, and its not fair that when u listen to peoples choices, nobody turns up! £3 for a top DJ/Producer is an absolute bargain, and £1.60 a pint u cant complain, so theres no reason why alot of people cannot make this!

  8. B.O.B.

    B.O.B. Registered User

    Jan 30, 2002
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    I think one of the problems is that there are just too many small nights to go to these days, and people have split loyalties and finite cash supplies. Just look at the amount of nights run by people on this board. I know they have different styles, are on different nights etc, but the majority of people simply can't, and don't want to, go to everything that is on.

    Putting on a good DJ that people have asked for is no guarantee that those people will turn up. No-one is honour bound to go to any night. It is disappointing when people you expect don't show, but that's just how it is.
  9. scruf

    scruf Registered User

    Oct 2, 2002
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    Islington, London
    99% of people on the street have never heard of goldenscan, its not so hard to get your head round... one for the trance 'dweebs'...

    plus dont forget deep dish where on at shindig on the same night, which was rammed, you have a lot of other nights to contend with on a sat, people would rather save for a 'big night' and also lots of young people - your target audience - work on a saturday...

    take away the board and twisted logic would have probably gone all 4 ages ago.. which is to their credit..
  10. mr. brook

    mr. brook Registered User

    Nov 14, 2001
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    bored at work
    hasnt the trance scene been dieing for a while now though?

    and the new vuzz has only been running 5 or 6 months or so. the news will spread, these things just take time. and someone mentioned deep dish were on at the dig - tough competion like.
    dont feel too bad vuzz was quiet paul. the old vuzz had some well quiet nights, but sometimes was packed out, its the way it goes im afraid.
  11. magicpaul

    magicpaul Registered User

    Nov 14, 2001
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    in my lil magic office....
    Of course, people can go where they want! And we didn't just put a good DJ on. We've done a lot of promotion, and as ColeTrickle said we were even on Galaxy. I don't think there are many people running small nights in the area who work as hard as me and Scott.

    This post isn't intended to have a go at anyone for not turning up, it was simply to say if this is the state of trance in Newcastle then it's quite sad.

    The same night in Sheffield would have probably filled the 150 capacity venue no problem.
  12. Freddy Flintoff

    Freddy Flintoff WE MISS YOU JOHN

    Oct 12, 2004
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    Trance is dead im affriad..... Not enough people like it anymore, only the cheesy shit
  13. B.O.B.

    B.O.B. Registered User

    Jan 30, 2002
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    It's not necessarily to do with the state of trance in Newcastle (though I think it is on the decline and has been for at least two years), more to do with too many nights diluting the numbers you might otherwise expect. Also, pretty much every pub in town has a DJ on these days, and large numbers are open late. There's just too much choice to keep the amount of nights on that are on now.
  14. bigsteve

    bigsteve Armin 4 IO

    Jul 9, 2004
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    Sad news to hear that the support wasn't there. Esp with those prices quoted above. If I lived nearer I certainly would have gone:( Don't feel too down hearted tho. With it being only 8 days after a rammed Promise, people probs can't afford too many nights out (however cheap it may be)
  15. Daz

    Daz Registered User

    Mar 3, 2004
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    best explanation ive heard!:up:
  16. Freddy Flintoff

    Freddy Flintoff WE MISS YOU JOHN

    Oct 12, 2004
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    nd lets face it look at all the quality trance track sin 97 to 2000 and now its all very samey and nothing new or exciting, I am sorry to say it but i think Trance has just burned out, had its day and its time we all move on (and have classics nights )
  17. yeahBUTnoBUT

    yeahBUTnoBUT Banned

    Jan 9, 2005
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    This aint having a go at Paul or vuzz but as I said before you can put all the hard work in, in the world and it still may not pack em in. its just the fickle nature of thre dance scene as a whole these days

    I think a lot of you have missed the single most important reason for people wanting to go to something. They want to go , to be entertained , to have a party.

    As long as a similar style of music (in this case trance) is played at similar styles of pubs which start (very soon) to all get similar kinds of late licences til 1 and 2 in the morning , no amount of promotion (however hard you have worked) will ever force people into a venue, and the reason for this IMO is because people are running a lot of these nights based on the draw of the "Big" name they are putting on and quite often the big name aint as big up here (which to be fair is fairly uneduacted on the musical front as a whole) as they are elsewhere.

    Maybe the future sound of trance is Judge Jules and Ferry Corsten after all, but that would be very worrying

    :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :confused:
  18. magicpaul

    magicpaul Registered User

    Nov 14, 2001
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    in my lil magic office....
    Cream is no more.

    Crasher is on its arse.

    Godskitchen & Sugarshack are resorting to the most random music policies in order to get people in.

    Promise is monthly again.

    Maybe trance has had its day?
  19. ManofScience

    ManofScience Guest

    i think it seems like it has - end of the BIG nights anyways... it'll always have it's following - but i think newcastle benefitted from it's boom years - although, now they're over - it'll be back to the underground :( .... and newcastle will always stay 'party' capital (in a ba ja styleee) of the north... :cry:
  20. fizz

    fizz Registered User

    Jan 9, 2002
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    I agree with B.O.B. on this one, part of the reason why i gave up trying to promote events... i noticed this a while back. Too many DJs, wanting to play somewhere, therefore they put on their own small nights... I said all this a while back.

    I decided to not waste my time, leave it to the big guns like Promise and support to them instead, hang up me headphones. Newcastle is 70% commercialised music. If i ever pick my headphones up again all id want to do is play to a crowd, so maybe commercial music would be my way to go....

    I reckon if Vuzz played commercial music or RnB right there in the monument on a saturday night with free entry it would be rammed!!!!
  21. yeahBUTnoBUT

    yeahBUTnoBUT Banned

    Jan 9, 2005
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    What should have had its day is the pidgeonholing of musical styles.

    There are reasons as to why all those you mention are not what they were.

    IMO cream should have held onto oakey as their resident and the fact they lost one of their main promoters who done off to the illfated home has been well documented

    crasher just tried to fleece people too many times and started to go down hill when they dropped the gate bit and hardwick left and then scott.

    Promise, for sometime now have been prursuing a policy which ensures they get both a healthy mix of big marketesque people in as well as true diehard clubbers. hence the reason you regularly see halliwell, judge etc. at foundation who will get peoplein without costing the earth

    PS: I never thought I would here fizz say play RNB and let people in for free...I am shocked.

    PPS: its always been the underground really. If you go to influence or resistance or freaky dancing its all alive and well if you ask me, but theres different attitudes on those scenes

    I think people sometimes forget its a business and when their hobby becomes business (and good business at that) they then try and fleece the public.

    On a brighter note I would stick with it Paul. Theres some good line ups you got there, its just going to take you time for your Friday crowd to come round to a saturday way of thinking.

    TBF i dont think strange dave is the way forward.

    If I was running your show (which I aint) I would have started off monthly but end of the day thats your decision.

    I still think it will be packed by Xmas.

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