I thought it was a bit crap myself. Nowhere near as scary as I expected.. and partly ruined by the group of lasses in front of me at the pictures who screamed when the first scary thing happened, then decided to do it through the whole film, even at stupid bits.
Didnt like this film :cry2: Was really really jumpy. Think I sat with the cover over my eyes for half of it! Did not like the half kid half cat thing. Those noises :spangled: Im a scaredy cat
You needed running commentery all the way through it, that's how much you didn't watch! Was canny nasty the lass with no mouth like!
I still haven't watched this film, i'm 2 much of a cry baby when it comes to films like this.... i just get jumpy off normal films.
this film was absolutely bollocks. not scary at all. badly made. could have used the plot better. I feel robbed because i can not get those 2 hours of my life back
i've seen the japanese one and thats pretty scary, I thought, it was really excellent best horror i've seen in a while.
the only decent bits were in the house where the lass is coming down the stairs and the bit where theyre in the stair well and that lass looked as though she'd had 1 too many pills