Sunday's are quite sad Im always thinking about having to get up early the next morning for work I normally do my house work, :chill: with ma mates or go to the pics.
I like sundays Pretty much chill all day! Have a mix with Play, maybe's a few cans, loads of pro evo ! We've been playin super mario 3 and duck hunt today on the NINTENDO (nes)
Sundays were made for getting pissed.........I work until 5 then go straight on the can always guarantee entertainment on a sunday down our way..... Tonigh we had a full on food fight out of the remains of a christening buffet, and the landlady managed to have an argument with about 50% of the bar....not to mention the token pissheads....
My NES doesn't work anymore.. for ages it worked if you blew in the cartridges before playing.. now it's just fecked. Duck Hunt with the orange fun -
I usually have a lie in, then potter around the house for a bit, either go out for Sunday lunch or have something nice to eat at home, and watch the DVD I got out for Saturday night but didn't get round to watching! Yesterday I filled in a job application though (fingers crossed).
Sleep in till about midday... Out to lunch... Sit around watching wank TV...maybe a film... The Simpsons... Malcolm in the Middle... Usually Pizza Hut if we can get someone to drive... Go to bed...
Used to love sundays , soooo much!......all day in bed with T4 on, chilling, ahhhh!! I work 12-5 on a sunday now tho.... make the most of them katie!! x
nice lazy morning in bed, mums for lunch, then normally chill watchin a match in teh afternoon with cpl beers, out in town most sundays from about 7pm onwards, but the last 2 have been very messy thanks to those bloody trebles at Mushroom bar, always say im not gonna drink them but always do
I hate Sunday days, they're soooo boring, like it when the footy is on though so can go to the pub and lvoe Sunday nights cos we go to quiz and always win
wake up, normally at fran & bellas eat lots of shit and normally have a few :beer:'s then head off home to sleep off the weekend. ive done that more or less every sunday for the last 6 months or so always good crack tho